I took the top and front off, had my left arm leaning on the metal drum and reached back with my left arm. Strange, I haven't really thought about it till now, but how the crap did I do that? Must be a contortionist. I was just needing to switch the plugs around, see the positive and negative were switched aroonied, which made the heating element not HEAT. I have done it many times. Really, many, many times. Then all the sudden.
Seriously! I got zapped for a few seconds, but what seemed like for frigg'n ever. I mean FOR - E- VUR and during this horribly painful and I mean PAINFUL ordeal. I thought, SHIT, this is it, what a freaking way to go. You better pull your hand away stupid or your dead. So I tried and on the third jolt it worked, my hand and arm was free. It was strange because the jolts were so intense each time it would jolt, I swear my body went into an X shape and you could see my skeleton, like on Tom and Jerry.
I took a looksie at the hand and thought Oh, Shit! I think and often say shit so get use to it. So, once again, I thought SHIT! I realized the skin was melted off my birdy finger and my arm was a bit bruised. So I made sure that the small fire went out that had caught the lint on fire and shut all the power off to the house, just in case, trying to be safe. You know me, I am a safety girl! I know a little late for that, right. Walked up stairs really calm, kids were eating lunch, got my phone, went back down stairs to the scene of the incident and called Jeuc and I FREAKED OUT! I mean FER-EAKED!!
I am sure he heard something like, mucha lay blimbo jaw...which in freaked out Katie language means - Come home, I got electrocuted! I had to repeat it 3 times until he understood me. He called his mom and she came over, like no big deal and I answered the door holding my arm as if it was going to fall off and said she asked, "are you OK?" Then she looked at my arm and paniced and said, "OH MY!"
You see, Jeremy's mom is very use to her kids getting hurt, baseball bats to the head, fires in the barn, hot irons on the chest. You know, normal country boys. Once she got a good look and realized I was pretty messed up, she said, "Get in the car we are going to hospital" and I was thinking, NO SHIT Sherlock, why do you think you are here?! So as fast as she could, she drove me to the hospital.
Jeuc, which BTW.. is my ex husband, his real name is Jeremy, but he has been called Jeuc since before I met him in 1993 so, when you see that name, it is pronounced, juice and he is also my babies daddy. NOW, back to the story. He was on his way to the hospital, but he was in Salt Lake and I think it took him maybe 20 minutes to get from SLC to Brigham City.
They checked my heart, it was fine. I was there for about 4 hours being monitored and doped up on percocet and zanex, what a great mix by the way, I highly recommend it. the only better thing, an epidural.
They sent me home. I was ok, but in some incredible pain. Not only burning, but shooting pains and very tender extremities. I had to go to a plastic surgeon and I he said didn't need a skin graph, thank goodness. I went back for my check up and all was well, I am just glad I am still alive.
If the volts would have not exited though my arm, which was resting on top of the metal drum. They believe it would have hit my heart and I would be gone and that is what they call DONE SON! Kicked the bucked, six feet under or as some odd people like to call it. Dead.
So that is the story of Mrs. Fix It, and her retirement! No more fixing electrical appliance, I will just buy a new one and no more shocking games for me, for some odd reason, not as much fun anymore.
Moral of the story....
Just cause you can and know how, doesn't mean you should.
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