Against my better judgement I have opened account. Where you get winked at by goober and maybe a random email from someone who makes ya go hmmm.. He looks pretty decent. Well, my 1st real interaction with actually answering back an email. The 1st 1st one was a 48 year old man and I asked what his M.O. was and he replied did you mean my modus operandi? My daily function or this dating site one. I said whatever, please tell me you don't live with your mom and smoke crack? Wait do, cause I like the phrase your mom. Well it worked, ran that guy off faster then the chicken crossing the street. One down! This 2nd 1st fella messaged me and said Hello you have great eyes. I said thank you and thanks for the wink. I figured that would be the end of it. I usually get on there, look at faces and give up. If you know me you know that I wall up the second a man comes into my bubble that I feel might be a threat and want to invade my space and call me mommy.
Well me and this fella start chatting, he seems alright. Likes the same music, movies and seems to have a sense of humor. After a day he sent me his number and said let's text. I though, ok.. AFTER I see your Facebook page. Gotta know they are legit. My luck I would end up falling for a tall, dark and handsome redneck and find out he is nothing but a hairy female named Bertha that likes cats and mustard.. and Nascar, long walks down the grocery isle and virginia slim ultra light menthol 100's.
I accept his friend request and take a look through his pics, of course showing my guardian, Ernl, and she says, he looks alright, in her meh tone, you should meet him. I said, hhmmmm, ya think? Followed by a very unsure and uncomfortable giggle. I do not like putting myself out there. I am not a fan of rejection, which is why on any given weekend you can find me safe and secure in the circle of my chickas and their hubbies. I am safe there and no rejection. A lot of KATIE DID YOU REALLY SAY THAT, but mad love for my peeps.
So as I scan through the pics, I see he is a Aggies fan, meh, from Logan and not really "out there" like I am . He obviously was scanning my crap at the same time cause I got a message that said, Wow, you are more my brothers type. I said, ya think. He replies with a - You know those SWEET SPIRITS you tend to get set up with - I think I am one of those sweet spirits. OMG! If that wasn't the strangest blow off ever. I said well that's cool, I am not into the sweet spirits.. Then start thinking- I'm kinda looking for someone with more rebellious with a hint of stability and a scruffy face. Good luck yo then deleted him instantly.
So, we will see how long I continue this crap. I am a huge skeptic when it comes to things.. Oils, wraps, men. I tend to put my best can't mess with me face on, but eventually, I will just give up and decide that I am a better entertainer of the masses vs a 8.5 cow wife. No worries, def wasn't butt hurt over this encounter. Sure it won't be the last fella a run/scare off. Not sure if it's the doll heads or use of the words, YO, GHETTO, WORD and PEEPS ;)
You make me laugh! I love reading your stories. I am also incredibly skeptic of online sites, but how the heck am I going to meet anyone???? Maybe we are much better off without any men!
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